
This page contains general notices for System Simulation.

July 24, 2013 - The projects have also been graded and the final course grades have now been submitted. Please feel free to come by my office to pick-up your graded final exam and project.

July 24, 2013 - A solution for the project is cluster4.c. Outputs from two runs showing best possible (or very close to) threshold parameters for the Poisson and server trace cases are here and here.

July 24, 2013 - The final exam has been graded. THe average is 81. The score breakdown is 90+ = 14, 80-89 = 8, 70-79= 8, 60-69 = 6, 50-59 = 1, and 40-49 = 1. Everyone got a "+4" for problem 3(c), which no one was able to solve. See the posted solutions on the exam page.

July 16, 2013 - The solutions for the class exercises for the second half of CAP 4800 (summer 2013) can be found here.

July 12, 2013 - Did you get a "minus 25" for not submitting your program for problem #2 of assignment #5? If so, this is in error - please show me your assignment #5 (with this error), and I will correct your grade. While I certainly assumed you would submit your program (and many did), the problem strictly read does not state that you must submit your program.

July 10, 2013 - Two questions have come up regards the project. The first, is one server sufficient to meet the SLA for the Poisson arrivals case? The second, over what time period should the SLA be measured? The answer to the second question is... over the total time of the trace (and not on a per minute, hour, etc. basis). A real SLA would be specified over some time period. This program - md1_500.c - might be helpful to see how the SLA can be measured. Note here that for one server the mean response time is less than 250 ms, but that more than 1% of response times are greater that 500 ms... so one machine is not sufficient.

July 9, 2013 - An example IEEE paper is now available here.

July 8, 2013 - What is wrong with the below program?

  #include <stdio.h>
  int main()
    char *s = "3.14159";
    double x;
    x = atof(s);
    printf("x = %s x = %f \n", s, x);
It is missing a function prototype for atof(). To get this prototype you need #include <stdlib.h>. The Microsoft cl compiler will not give you a warning for this unless you compile with the /Wall option (which I will do from now on!). The warning you get is:
  warning C4013: 'atof' undefined; assuming extern returning int
and you can now see what will happen if you forget the prototype. I think that this bug "bit" a lot of folks with Assignment #5.

July 8, 2013 - The instructions as they will appear on the comprehensive final exam are:

July 5, 2013 - Note that online assessment for Summer C will begin on Friday, July 12th and end on Thursday July 19th. All of you should be receiving emails (from USF?) describing how the online assessment process works.

July 5, 2013 - So that there is no confusion, I am posting here the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism. Please read and heed. I will by using automated plagiarism detection tools for both the paper and code you will submit.

July 2, 2013 - As a written reminder, the syllabus will be strictly enforced with regards to no late submissions to be accepted for the project. Project submission instructions are clearly described on the project page.

June 17, 2013 - The instructions as they will appear on the mid-term exam are:

June 13, 2013 - The solutions for the class exercises for the first half of CAP 4800 (summer 2013) can be found here.

June 13, 2013 - You can find Unix uilities for Windows here. To refresh your memory on Unix scripting, read here.

June 12, 2013 - Read about Google internships here.

June 8, 2013 - On Thursday I was participating in the How Green is the Internet meeting. Three press reports on the event are here (Forbes), here (Wired), and here (San Francisco Chronicle).

May 30, 2013 - Some useful programs for characterizing trace data are: summary1.c, summary2.c, hist.c, autoc.c, and count1.c. All of these links are to tools on the Christensen tools page.

May 28, 3013 - I had several after class discussions with students on "what is random". Probably the best explanation is here (and it features a Dilbert cartoon -- many of you know that I believe Dilbert has the answer to everything). For engineering purposes there is "good enough". In your modeling work you are much more likely to be tripped-up by a faulty assumption or an implementation bug (a coding bug!) than by a faulty random number generator. But, it is more fun to talk about randomness and to argue that pseudo-random is not random.

May 27, 3013 - Am I recycling assignment questions and are the solutions from previous offerings of this course to be found online? Well... sort of "yes" and "yes". The assignments serve to help you learn the material. I am grading them very lightly (so, you get a 100 if you have made a decent effort - this is described as such in the syllabus). The exams and project (and I never recycle projects!) serve to help you learn and for me to measure your learning. All old exams are posted on the old exams page to help you study for the exams this semester. I will also be posting the solutions to our in class exercises to help you study for the exams (remind me to post these if I forget!). So, how can you find stuff that was on the web at one time, but isn't posted anymore? Surely, you know about the Wayback Machine? My goal is for you to learn as much as possible - you do this by working problems, by reading, by thinking, by asking questions... in short, by doing and being active and not just passively listening and copying.

May 23, 2013 - I am posting "virtual" handouts to the handouts page. A virtual handout is one that I showed you on the screen (projector) during lecture, but did not physically handout on paper. The large class size that we have prevents me from making too many physical handouts. Some reading links will pop-up a user id and password dialog box. If you don't remember the user id and password, see your welcome letter.

May 14, 2013 - Welcome to the 2011 summer C semester!

Last update on July 24, 2013