
This page contains the syllabus for System Simulation for Summer 2013.

CAP 4800 - System Simulation - 3 credits
Summer 2013
Class meeting time and location: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30pm to 5:40pm in ENG 004

Class website:

Instructor: Dr. Ken Christensen
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Office location: ENB 319
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Call or email to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 974-4761

Teaching assistant: None

Required textbook: There is a required custom textbook and problem set available from ProCopy (cost is about $50). There is also a required software package called CSIM (student version cost is $65). How to obtain CSIM will be discussed in class. There will be assigned readings to complement the lectures. These readings will come from handouts and/or material available from the Web.

Catalog course description: This special topics course is an introduction to discrete-event simulation for performance modeling of communication and computer systems. At the completion of this course, a student will be able to model a system and predict its performance.

Course objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
  1. Understand the basic principles of performance modeling.
  2. Be able to select and use appropriate performance metrics when modeling a system.
  3. Understand the basics of queueing theory including Little's Law, the M/M/1 queue, and the Erlang equations.
  4. Know how to collect and characterize performance measurement data.
  5. Know how to generate workload using probability distributions and using a trace.
  6. Understand the basic concepts of a discrete event simulation model including model components, flowchart, and event list.
  7. Learn how to design and implement process-oriented simulation models using CSIM.
  8. Know how to determine when a simulation program can be terminated using confidence intervals
  9. Know how to compare two designs using statistical hypothesis testing.
  10. Understand the modeling and analysis process from a project perspective and how to define experiments and present results.
Course topics: This course will cover the following topics: Detailed course outline: A detailed course outline that includes readings, assignment and project deadlines, and exam dates is here,

Grading: Students will earn a grade based on assignments, project, midterm exam, and a comprehensive final exam. The grade breakdown is:
The grading scale is "no worse than" (note that there are no "+" or "-" grades):

Course policies:

Academic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty: I expect students to be honest and not cheat on their assignments, project, and exams. Students may work together on assignments and the project with one other person in the class. All student pairs must then submit one copy of the completed assignment and/or project with both names on it. Both students will earn the same grade. The exams must be completed without giving or accepting assistance from other students. Any source code copied from another source must be credited as such. Open source software used must maintain all headers and other information as required by the Open source license used. I expect you to know the University's policies on student conduct, academic dishonesty, etc. Please see the University's Undergraduate Catalog regarding these policies. Students found cheating in any form will receive an FF grade for the course.

Last update on May 13, 2013