
This page contains the project description for Performance Evaluation. There are several project options. The goal is for the student to undertake a moderately significant performance modeling project. I believe all of the projects offered below have the potential for leading to further investigation beyond this semester. Please read this page very carefully to understand all the parameters of the class project.


There are three deliverables for this project, they are:
  1. Project proposal - A one page document describing the problem, objectives, methods, plan, schedule, and expected outcomes. Your proposal should contain about 5 references (the references may be listed on a second page).

  2. Project paper - You will submit your project in a 5-page IEEE conference style paper. The submitted paper must comply with IEEE conference paper formatting rules. Author instructions from the IEEE are here. A paper that I and several colleagues wrote for ICC 2004 is here. You are welcome to use my paper as a format model or template. Any paper that does not conform with the formatting rules will be discarded (this is exactly what happens to incorrectly formatted conference submissions!).

  3. Project demo and source code - You will also demonstrate your project and submit source code (as "open source" for free use by others).
It is strongly suggested that you maintain a project website where you will post your proposal, maintain a literature review, and finally post your paper and source code. This is how many research projects are now conducted.


There are rules. They are:
  1. You may work in student pairs or alone.

  2. All submitted source code must comply with the Christensen C style guidelines. Code that does comply to these guidelines will be discarded. All programs must be implemented in straight C (yes, some of the projects could probably be better done in Perl) and must compile with the Borland bcc32 command-line compiler. All programs must be console-mode (no GUI - unless otherwise described below). All programs must be portable between Windows and Unix unless there is some good reason (which you should discuss with me) that this cannot be accomplished.

  3. The submitted paper must comply with IEEE conference paper formatting rules. This is discussed in the above section.

  4. Plagiarism cannot be tolerated. If you have any questions on this important issue, please see me. Plagiarism will result in you being removed from the graduate program!

Project ideas:

Last update on August 18, 2004