Algorithms for Robotics

                                                                        CIS 4930/6930

                                                                        Fall 2010


Schedule: T R: 12:30 – 13:45

Lecture location: CHE 302

Instructor: Yu Sun

                    Contact Information         

Office hours: T R: 14:00 – 15:00 or by appointment.

T.A.: N/A

T.A. Office hours: N/A

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations


Probabilistic Robotics


Course Description: This course will introduce students to a set of algorithms for robot motion analysis and planning, based on a solid mathematical foundation.


Probability/statistics, linear algebra, data structure, and some basic knowledge of robot kinematics.

Tentative Course Topics:

Motion Planning (week 1-4)

            Review Kinematics

            Configuration Space

Potential Field


            Sample-based Motion Planning

(Programming homework 1 -- 20%)


SLAM (week 5-8)

            Localization: Kalman filter, particle filter


            Simultaneously Localization and Mapping

(Programming homework 2 -- 20%)


Learning (week 9-13)

            Perception and Motion Modeling

            Learning by Demonstration    

            Reinforcement Learning

(Programming homework 3 -- 20%)


Final Project – (week 12-15, 40%)

Final Report – week 16


Assessment and Grading

Assignments: 60%

Project: 40%


Tentative Grading Scale

The tentative grading scale could be as follows.

97 -- 100     A+

93 --   96     A

90 --   92     A-

87 --   89     B+

83 --   86     B

80 --   82     B-

77 --   79     C+

73 --   76     C

70 --   72     C-

65 --   69     D+

60 --   64     D

  0 --   59     F

Instruction for Programming Environment

All program assignments should be implemented in either standard C++ or Matlab.

H1N1 virus issues

In the unlikely event of a school closure due to the H1N1 flu virus, alterations in course contents/ and or structure may be necessary.

Please find more information



 Procedures for Alleged Academic Dishonesty or Disruption Of Academic Process: 

 See current undergraduate catalog.

 (Or search for "cheating")


Departmental Policy:

All students enrolled in courses taught by the Computer Science and Engineering Department are advised that unless an instructor specifies otherwise, all work done in homework, programming, or exams must be the result of a student’s individual effort.

Students who copy, or who provide material for others to copy, or who show dishonesty in their work as described in the university catalog, will be subject to disciplinary action, typically the receipt of a failing grade in the course, but also possible academic dismissal from the program.


Course Policies:

Programming homework/projects will be graded.  It is OK to discuss homework/projects with other students, but outright copying is not acceptable. 

n     Don't copy anyone else’s work. 

n     Don't let anyone copy your work.

n     We will check!

n     Homework/projects must be submitted on time. 

n     Late homework/projects will not be graded, get an automatic 0.



n     Be sure you can log in and can find this class under the Courses tab.

n     Be sure you can find Assignments for this class.


n     USF email will be used for any last-minute announcements.

n     Be sure you can receive messages.

n     Don't let backlog exceed your quota.

Disabilities, Absences:

n     Students with disabilities are encouraged to consult me as soon as possible.  If accommodations are needed, a letter from the Office of Student Disability Services (SVC1133) will be required.  Please inform me if there is a need for alternate format for documents or a note taker.


n     Religious Observances

n     Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of a major religious observance must provide notice of the date (or dates) to me, in writing, by the second class meeting.


n     Athletic Events

n     Students who must miss an exam due to participating in a varsity athletic event should contact me two weeks in advance in order to make alternative arrangements.