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Foundations of Software Security
USF CIS 6930, Spring 2010


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Course materials



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Schedule (filled in as the semester progresses)

Dates Topics Reading
01/12 Introduction and definitions Class notes
01/14 Deductive systems Andrew Appel. Deductive Systems
01/19 Theory of runtime enforcement Fred B Schneider. Enforceable Security Policies. TISSEC 2000.
01/21 Thoery of runtime enforcement Philip Fong. Access Control by Tracking Shallow Execution History. S&P 2004.
01/26 Theory of runtime enforcement Sections 1-3 of: Ligatti and Reddy. A Theory of Runtime Enforcement, with Results. USF Technical Report 2009.
01/28 Theory of runtime enforcement Sections 4-7 of: Ligatti and Reddy. A Theory of Runtime Enforcement, with Results. USF Technical Report 2009.
02/02 Vulnerability trends; Buffer overflows (1) Christey and Martin. Vulnerability Type Distributions in CVE. 2007.
(2) Cowan, Pu, Maier, Hinton, Walpole, Bakke, Beattie, Grier, Wagle, and Zhang. StackGuard: Automatic Adaptive Detection and Prevention of Buffer-Overflow Attacks. USENIX Security 1998.
02/04 Buffer overflows (1) Aleph One. Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit. Phrack 1996.
(2) Shacham, Page, Pfaff, Goh, Modadugu, and Boneh. On the Effectiveness of AddressSpace Randomization. CCS 2004.
02/09 SQL-code injection Halfond, Viegas, and Orso. A Classification of SQL Injection Attacks and Prevention Techniques. ISSSE 2006.
02/11 SQL-code injection Su and Wassermann. The Essence of Command Injection Attacks in Web Applications. POPL 2006.
02/16 Cross-site scripting Vogt, Nentwich, Jovanovic, Kirda, Kruegel, and Vigna. Cross-Site Scripting Prevention with Dynamic Data Tainting and Static Analysis. NDSS 2007.
02/18 Cross-site scripting Jim, Swamy, and Hicks. Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies. WWW 2007.
02/23 Stack inspection; policy-specification languages Erlingsson and Schneider. IRM Enforcement of Java Stack Inspection. S&P 2000.
02/25 Policy composition; policy-specification languages Sections 1-3 of: Bauer, Ligatti, and Walker. Composing Expressive Run-time Security Policies. TOSEM 2009.
03/02 Policy-specification tools; usability; access-control policies Reeder, Bauer, Cranor, Reiter, Vaniea. Effects of Access-Control Policy Conflict-Resolution Methods on Policy-Authoring Usability. CMU Technical Report 2009.
03/04 SQL-code injections Bandhakavi, Bisht, Madhusudan, and Venkatakrishnan. CANDID: Preventing SQL Injection Attacks using Dynamic Candidate Evaluations. CCS 2007.
03/16 SQL-code injections Halfond, Orso, and Manolios. Using Positive Tainting and Syntax-Aware Evaluation to Counter SQL Injection Attacks. FSE 2006.
03/18 Taint analysis Lam, Martin, Livshits, and Whaley. Securing Web Applications with Static and Dynamic Information Flow Tracking PEPM 2008.
03/23 Taint analysis Tripp, Pistoia, Fink, Sridharan, and Weisman. TAJ: Effective Taint Analysis of Web Applications PLDI 2009.
03/25 Control-flow integrity Sections 1-4 of: Abadi, Budiu, Erlingsson, and Ligatti. Control-flow Integrity: Principles, Implementations, and Applications. TISSEC, 2009.
03/30 Control-flow integrity Sections 5-7 of: Abadi, Budiu, Erlingsson, and Ligatti. Control-flow Integrity: Principles, Implementations, and Applications. TISSEC, 2009.
04/01 Safe C Jim, Morrisett, Grossman, Hicks, Cheney, Wang. Cyclone: A safe dialect of C. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2002.
04/06 Noninterference and information flow Geoffrey Smith. Principles of Secure Information Flow Analysis. Malware Detection 2007.
04/08 Cryptographic protocols Anderson and Needham. Programming Satan's Computer. Computer Science Today 1995.
04/13 Hot (memory integrity) attacks Govindavajhala and Appel. Using Memory Errors to Attack a Virtual Machine. S&P 2003.
04/15 Cold (boot) attacks Halderman et al. Lest We Remember: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys. USENIX Security, 2008.
04/20 DRM Halderman and Felten. Lessons from the Sony CD DRM Episode. USENIX Security 2006.
04/22 Backdoors Ken Thompson. Reflections on Trusting Trust. CACM 1984.
04/27 Student presentations
04/29 Student presentations