Assignment #1 for Capacity Planning KJC (8/23/01) ----------------------------------- DUE: 09/06 in class For assignment #1 you are to "surf the web". You are to find the following: 1) Four capacity planning or performance evaluation tools or products. 2) Three companies that perform capacity planning services 3) Two capacity planning or performance evaluation related professional organizations. 4) One university research groups with ongoing work in capacity evaluation or performance evaluation. All of the above must pertain to computer systems (e.g., capacity planning of restaurants or manufacturing systems DOES NOT COUNT). Summarize each product, company, or research group in two or three sentences and give the URL of the website. Here is an example, OPNET modeler by Mil3 is a commercial network simulation modeling tool. OPNET is a graphical tool that supports a hierarchical "object oriented" view of a network. At the lowest level, network protocols can be specified as finite state machines. The OPNET tool includes a library of most existing protocols (including TCP/IP) and vendor products. URL: Oh yes, don't forget to USE YOUR OWN WORDS (do not just clip the words out of the web site - this would be plagiarism). ---