DOS Cheat Sheet for Computer Tools for Engineers

Here is a short "cheat sheet" of DOS basics. You will need to know this information to manage files on your floppy and hard-disk.

Basic concepts (files and directories):

A file contains data or a program and is stored in a directory. A filename can have a maximum of 8 letters followed by a "." and three more letters. For example, is a MathCAD file, grades.xls is an Excel file, prog1.f is a FORTRAN file, and prog1.exe is an executable file (i.e., an application).

A directory is analogous to a file folder. Files are stored in directories, The "root directory" on a PC hard-disk is c:\. On a floppy disk the root directory is a:\ or b:\.

Commands to manipulate files:

Commands to manipulate directories:

Formatting a diskette:

Formatting a diskette "cleans" the diskette (erasing any files) and prepares it for use. All brand new diskettes must be formatted. The format command is: When formatting is complete, you will be asked for a "volume name", just press Enter.

Some simple examples (that also show some new things):

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Last updated by Ken Christensen on AUGUST 12, 1999