
This page contains the syllabus for Computer Networks for Fall 2018.

CNT 4004 - Computer Networks - 3 credits
Fall 2018
Class meeting time and location: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30pm to 4:45pm in EDU 347

Class website:

Instructor: Dr. Ken Christensen
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Office Location: ENB 319
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Or, email to schedule an appointment.

Teaching Assistant: Steven Díaz
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Office Location: ENB 325
Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 1pm to 3pm
LinkedIn Page: here

Required Textbook: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th edition, by James Kurose and Keith Ross (ISBN-13: 978-0133594140). Cost is $139.99 from Amazon Prime (as of July 28, 2018).

Course Description (from 2017-2018 catalog): CNT 4004 Computer Networks I (3) EN ESB PR: COP 3331 CPR: COP 4530 An introduction to the design and analysis of computer communication networks. Topics include application layer protocols, Internet protocols, network interfaces, local and wide area networks, wireless networks, bridging and routing, and current topics.

Prerequisites: The prerequisite for this class is successful completion of Object Oriented Design (COP 3331). Note that Data Structures (COP 4530) is a co-prerequiste.

Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
  1. Become familiar with layered communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP).
  2. Understand the client/server model and key application layer protocols.
  3. Learn sockets programming and how to implement client/server programs.
  4. Understand the concepts of reliable data transfer and how TCP implements these concepts.
  5. Know the principles of congestion control and trade-offs in fairness and efficiency.
  6. Learn the principles of routing and the semantics and syntax of IP.
  7. Understand the basics of error detection including parity, checksums, and CRC.
  8. Know the key protocols for multimedia networking including IntServ and DiffServ for IP.
  9. Familiarize the student with current topics such as security, network management, sensor networks, and/or other topics.
Course Topics: This course will cover the following topics: Detailed Course Outline: A detailed course outline that includes chapter reading suggestions, assignment and project deadlines, and exam dates is here,

Grading: Students will earn a grade based on assignments, project, midterm exam, and comprehensive final exam. The grade breakdown is:
The grading scale is "no worse than" (there are no "+" or "-" grades) the below. Grade cut-offs may be adjusted downwards at the discretion of the instructor.

Course Policies:

Academic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty: USF Required Statements:

Document history:
  1. August 18, 2018 - Genesis
  2. August 22, 2018 - Corrected final exam date
  3. September 10, 2018 - Added TA office number
Last update on September 10, 2018