Assignment #1

This page contains assignment #1 for Performance Evaluation. This assignment is due on Monday, September 13 in class. Any solutions that you find "on the web" must be referenced as such. Please start each problem on a new sheet of paper and put your name on all sheets of paper.

  1. You are to write the abstract for the paper found here (PDF). Your abstract may not exceed 150 words. This paper will appear at the LCN 2004 conference (I have removed the actual abstract). This paper was written by a previous MS student (Vijay Chrandramohan) and demonstrates the kind of research that my students and I do.

  2. You are to select a systems-oriented paper from ICC, GLOBECOM, or INFOCOM and map it to the "six part" organization we discussed in class. That is, you should identify (in one to three sentences for each part) the contributions in the paper for each of the six parts. You must submit a copy of the paper that you reviewed.

  3. You will need the below listed four papers this semester. They can all be found via the USF virtual library (and our electronic subscription to IEEE journals and conferences). Print-out all four papers and submit a statement that says "I found all four papers as listed in Assignment #1". The papers are:

  4. A random variable X is defined as follows: Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of X. Plot the probability distribution function and cumulative distribution function. Show your work.

  5. Assume that you have a system with a packet rate of R pkts/sec and a probability of packet loss of p (i.e., p = Pr[packet is lost]). Assume that p is iid. Assume that R and p are such that when you increase R by N you also increase p by N. One means of reducing information loss is to send each packet duplicated N times, or as an N-tuple of duplicated packets. For example, for a rate R the packets sent are: and for a rate 2R the packets sent are: Define goodput as the rate of original packets received. For example for packets 1 to 5 for a packet stream of rate 2R we might receive: where X is a lost packet. The goodput is 0.80*R (packet 5 was never delivered). What is the expression for goodput as a function of N, R, and p?
Last update on August 18, 2004