Paper review

This page describes the paper review assignment for Computer Networks.

For your paper review you are to find two papers - one of which improves or builds upon the other - and review them. The purpose of this paper review is for the student to become aware of the key conferences in the networking area and to see how research moves forward by building and/or improving upon previous work. This assignment is to be completed individually with help only to be given by the instructor (that is,students may not "work together").


  1. At least one of the papers should preferrably come from ICC, GLOBECOM, INFOCOM, NSDI, ICCCN, LCN, or SIGCOMM
  2. Summarize each paper in about 250 words (using figures may also be appropriate). Your summary should cover:
  3. Properly, in IEEE style, cite each paper reviewed.


Each student will deliver the following:


Grading is as follows:

Notes, advice, and hints

Some notes, advice, and hints...
Last update on November 25, 2014