Mini-Project #4

This page describes mini-project #4 for Computer Networks.

Understanding traffic is a very important part of understanding the performance of computer networks. A first step is often a characterization of traffic from an existing application (and/or from an environment) of interest. For this project the student will characterize broadcast traffic on the Department network. This mini-project may be completed in pairs (two students) or individually with help only to be given by the instructor.

A one day (24 hour) trace of broadcast traffic as received on the Ethernet port of campus/corporate LAN is here. Included in the zip file is a text file with packet summary information.

The requirements for this project are simple, but challenging. You are to determine what questions are interesting and of value to ask with respect to broadcast traffic and then answer these questions. Of particular interest is the overhead to both network bandwidth and host processing that broadcast traffic creates.


The requirements for this mini-project are as follows:
  1. Characterize the traffic in general terms starting with a rate plot and summary statistics.
  2. Develop a list of interesting questions that you can "ask" the trace. An interesting question has some engineering relevance where an answer can lead to something being improved.
  3. Answer the questions by performing the necessary analysis.
  4. Submit an IEEE Computer Society style paper describing your analysis and findings.


Each student (or pair of students) must deliver the following:


Grading is as follows: Points can (and will) be deducted for sloppishness including an inability to follow the required IEEE formatting. The final submission is expected to be "camera copy" quality.

Notes, advice, and hints

Some notes:
Last update on November 25, 2014