atarraya_logo (238K)
Current Version: 1.2 beta 3
Last update: September 2009

FAQ Technical Details Download Documentation Reported bugs Publications Contact us

Atarraya is a simulation tool for teaching and researching topology control algorithms and protocols for wireless sensor networks. This project was initiated as part of our research work in this area and included as part of our book "Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks" published by Springer in 2009. 

The main idea of Atarraya is to provide a simple tool for creating and testing old and new topology control protocols. Following the book's new definition of topology control, Atarraya includes both topology construction and topology maintenance protocols and algorithms. The inclusion of topology maintenance is a unique aspect of Atarraya. Atarraya's modularity makes it very easy to create new protocols.

Atarraya can also be used in the classroom for teaching purposes. Atarraya's graphical user interface  makes it easy to illustrate how these protocols work. 

In the current version, Atarraya provides the following features:

  • Several topology construction and several topology maintenance algorithms and protocols
  • Deployment generation using different distributions
  • Simulation agent for initial topology construction based on an available algorithm (the user can create and add its own)
  • Message generator that can be used to test endurance of the network after the TC algorithm was applied
  • Simulation results can be stored in a csv file that can be open in many math analysis software. Also, simulations in batch can be executed
  • Implementation of a version of the KNEIGH topology construction protocol as an example of Tx-based TC protocols
  • Support for simple mobility models, and the implementation of a random walk-based mobility model
  • Support for different energy models

To download the last version and previous versions, click on this link.

Some Techinical Details

Atarraya is an event-driven simulator. Basically, everything that happens on the simulation is an event. Who generate these events? The simulator, the nodes, etc. The figure below show the general structure of Atarraya.

AtarrayaDesign (73K)

The basic structure for a simulator is a priority queue of events that are executed based on their time of occurrence. All events are guaranteed to execute in order. There are several actors in this simulator that allow the execution:


We are updating a guided example and some other technical documentation. A good start is the recently accepted paper about Atarraya that was presented in SIMUTools 2009. The paper can be found in this link. For now, here are some images from the GUI:

Simulation Panell
AtarrayaSimulation (78K)

Deployment Creation Panel
AtarrayaDeploymentParameters (89K)

Visualization Panel
AtarrayaVisualization (137K)

Reported Bugs

Please email us with any bugs that you find while using the tool. We will be more than happy to fix them and provide these fixes to the entire community here

Also, if you develop new algorithms and protocols as part of your research, it would be very nice if you share them with the research community. If you email us with those additions, we will be more than happy to include them in a new version of Atarraya.

We count on your support!


1. Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Tutorial given in IEEE Latincom 2010.

2. Miguel A. Labrador and Pedro Wightman “Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks - with a companion simulation tool for teaching and research “, Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9584-9.

3. Pedro Wightman and Miguel A. Labrador, “Topology Maintenance: Extending the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks.“, IEEE LantinCom 2009, September 2009.

4. Pedro Wightman and Miguel A. Labrador, “Atarraya: A Simulation Tool to Teach and Research Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks“, ICST 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SIMUTools 2009, February 2009.

5. Pedro Wightman and Miguel A. Labrador, “A3: A Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Globecom 2008, November 2008.


Contact Us

Pedro M. Wightman R., Ph.D.
Department of Ingenieria de Sistemas
Universidad del Norte
Barranquilla, Colombia
pwightman at uninorte dot edu dot co

Miguel A. Labrador
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL, USA.
labrador at cse dot usf dot edu